The project lead is more of a position of responsibility than one of power. The project lead is immediately responsible for the overall well-being of the project. They own and manage the project's development process, coordinate development, facilitate discussion amongst project committers, ensure that the Eclipse IP policy is being observed by the project and more. If you have questions about your project, the Eclipse Development Process, or anything else, ask your project lead.
Name | Project | Active date |
Erik Boasson | iot.cyclonedds | May 13, 2020 |
Eric Bodden | technology.cognicrypt | March 13, 2018 |
Edward Burns | ee4j.jakartaee-platform | August 18, 2023 |
Eric Clayberg | tools.windowbuilder | January 27, 2011 |
Eric Cloninger | tools.andmore | January 5, 2015 |
Eric Cloninger | tools.sequoyah | August 1, 2008 |
Erwin De Ley | science.triquetrum | September 17, 2015 |
Eric Dillon | technology.tigerstripe | January 10, 2008 |
Erich Gamma | eclipse.jdt | August 23, 2005 |
Elena Gramatova | iot.kanto | October 21, 2021 |
Emily Jiang | ee4j.jakartaconfig | October 21, 2021 |
Ege Korkan | iot.thingweb | September 29, 2023 |
Eugene Kuleshov | technology.m2e | June 9, 2008 |
Eriawan Kusumawardhono | tools.acute | July 15, 2019 |
Elemer Lelik | tools.titan | August 27, 2014 |
Evgeny Mandrikov | technology.eclemma | July 27, 2016 |
Ed Merks | modeling | May 10, 2006 |
Ed Merks | modeling | July 10, 2012 |
Ed Merks | modeling.emf | August 8, 2005 |
Ed Merks | modeling.emf.emf | March 3, 2010 |