Election for Conrad Groth as Committer on Eclipse Platform

Role Type

I would like to nominate Conrad Groth as Platform committer.

Conrad contributed many high quality patches in the UI area, see the query: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?bug_status=RESOLVED&bug_statu…

527103 [Win32] Performance regression on Tree.setLinesVisible(boolean)
525829 [Win32] Group text dark in the dark theme on Windows
520060 Smart Import layout doesn't resize properly
518737 [Win32] Background switches to light if tree widget is disabled
518379 Allow platform specific JUnit tests
516365 [Win32] Background switches to light if table widget is disabled
514725 Workspace selection dialog should add WS which are locked to its recent workspace list
514694 CleanDialog: Support the 'Select All' command
513405 Add JUnits and fix Javadocs of new APIs Table#setHeaderForeground/Background() et al.
511355 Table: background color of sort column became a darker gray
510728 [API] Allow styling of tree headers foreground and background color
508680 [win32] Finish custom Button foreground/background color feature
508033 Win32: Toolbar ignores foreground color
502092 Tests for org.eclipse.jface.tests.databinding are disabled
498151 Wrong layout & UI bugs in Compare With editor
497387 [Win32] TabItem setting image to null doesnt resize the TabItem
491682 TableViewerUpdater looses selection if element order isnt preserved
491678 Errors during binding, if operations occur before init
484272 Missing JFace font property files for Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
483368 Replace usage of SubProgressMonitor with SubMonitor in eclipse.platform.ua
480318 SWT Menu does not fire Selection Event when touch display is enabled
473894 [win32] new ToolTip gets message from another tooltip that is currently visible
472748 View switch to Editor focus problem
463720 [Databinding] Typo in Javadoc for UpdateValueStrategy.POLICY_UPDATE
449475 [api] Add methods to define the table header background/foreground
401015 Add support for styling hyperlinks in the Link widget
388802 [DataBinding] Log Errors when catching Exception in UpdateValueStrategy doSet & Co.
384906 [CSS] Allow styling of table headers in SWT
371756 [DataBinding] ObservableMapLabelProvider with ILazy(Tree)ContentProvider gives empty labels in viewer
365915 [Databinding] No correct initial errormessage in TitleAreaDialogSupport
239636 [Wizards] [Import/Export] Import projects as closed by default
213780 Compare With direction should be configurable
63038 Support for Table header foreground/background colors
23837 [Win32] Button, do not respect foreground and background color on Windows

Please join me in supporting candidacy of Conrad Groth for a Platform committer.

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Andrey Loskutov +1 +1 implied by nomination
Lars Vogel +1 Welcome, Conrad. Especially his deep knowledge of SWT Windows and Databinding will help us to move these areas forward.
Mickael Istria +1 Welcome!
Karsten Thoms +1 Would be great to have him on board
Alexander Kurtakov +1 Nice to see more SWT interested people!
Lakshmi P Shanmugam +1 Welcome Conrad! Thanks for all the work on the SWT Windows port and looking forward to more contributions from you.
Niraj Modi +1 Welcome Conrad.. Keep up the good work!
Brian de Alwis +1
Patrik Suzzi +1 Welcome, Conrad!

PMC Approval

  • Dani Megert (+1) Welcome!