Eclipse Time4Sys

PolarSys Time4Sys provides a framework that fills the gap between the capture of timing aspects in the design phase of a real-time system and the ability of specific/dedicated tools to verify the consistency and performances of a given scheduling.

Time4Sys is composed of two building blocks (the Design and the Analysis pivot models) as well as a set of transformation rules between them.

Design Pivot Model

Time4Sys Design model uses a subset of the MARTE OMG standard as a basis to represent a synthetic view of the system design model that captures all elements, data and properties impacting the system timing behaviour and required to perform scheduling analysis or simulation (e.g. tasks mapping on processors, communication links, execution times, scheduling parameters, etc.). Time4Sys Design is not limited to the use of a particular design modelling tool and environment. It can be connected to various environments and languages such as UML, SysML, AADL, or any other proprietary environment (e.g. Capella).

Transformation Rules

Scheduling analysis and simulation are seldom directly applicable to the conceptual design models in general and to Time4Sys Design models in particular due to the semantic mismatch between the latter and the variety of analysis and simulation models known from the classical real time systems research and represented by academic and commercial tools.

Analysis Pivot Model

Time4Sys Analysis pivot model is based on generic modelling concepts known from the classical real time systems research, such as tasks, processors, busses, scheduling parameters (priorities, time slots, deadlines, etc.). Time4Sys Analysis models preserve the timing behaviour modelled in the corresponding Time4Sys Design models, while ensuring the compatibility with the variety of existing timing verification tools. Same as Time4Sys Design, Time4Sys Analysis is not limited to a specific timing verification tool. This ensures a minimum of independence from the timing verification tools specificities and allows hiding its complexity to the designer. If required, one timing verification tool can be easily replaced by another. Ultimately, several tools could also be used together to run a timing verification. After timing verification in the selected tool, results are injected in Time4Sys Analysis. Then, they are translated to be compliant with the original design model and reinjected back in Time4Sys Design.

Latest Releases

From 2018-07-04 to 2018-07-04

Name Date Review
0.8.0 2018-07-04
Eclipse Public License 2.0

The content of this open source project is received and distributed under the license(s) listed above. Some source code and binaries may be distributed under different terms. Specific license information is provided in file headers and in NOTICE files distributed with the project's binaries.

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