Election for Alexandr Miloslavskiy as Committer on Eclipse Platform

Role Type

Alexandr Miloslavskiy has contributed many patches to the Windows port of SWT(including important bugs fixing few of the tricky crash scenario) and has gained a good understanding of the code. He has recently contributed many patches to the SWT GTK port as well. His contributions are of good quality and are highly appreciated. He has been an active contributor to SWT since Eclipse 4.10 release.
Here is the complete list of his contributions https://git.eclipse.org/r/#/q/owner:+Alexandr+Miloslavskiy+status:+Merg…
1. Bug 545923 - [regression][GTK] Tooltip foreground is wrong
2. Bug 545587 - [GTK] Incorrect COLOR_INFO_FOREGROUND on Ubuntu 18.10
3. Bug 488855 - [Win32] Browser widget under windows calls a method in the wrong thread
4. Bug 545619 - [GTK] Building native libraries fails to auto-detect JAVA_HOME for linux.x86_64
5. Bug 545610 - [GTK] Syntax error causing problems in JNIGenerator
6. Bug 542469 - [GTK3][Mate] SWT.COLOR_LIST_SELECTION differs much from real selection color
7. Bug 545220 - [GTK] Random themes get loaded in Display.initializeSystemColors()
8. Bug 542451 - [GTK3][Elementary OS] Duplicate, semi-transparent sub-shell border
9. Bug 409572 - [Win32] Combobox's text is shown partially + caret goes out of view
10. Bug 508634 - [Win32] READ_ONLY Combobox does not allow changing background or foreground color
11. Bug 539796 - [Win32] Crash in ScriptStringOut
12. Bug 539796 - Preparation for next patch
13. Bug 526758 - [win32] Native crash in msctf.dll::CCompositeContextAdapter::OnUnregistered()
14. Bug 538381 - Loading Link class crashes with Application Verifier

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Niraj Modi +1 +1 Well deserved! Welcome Alexandr!
Mickael Istria +1
Ed Merks +1
Andrey Loskutov +1 Welcome Alexandr!
Matthias Becker +1 Welcome!
Karsten Thoms +1 Great to see more dev power here!
Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti +1
Lakshmi P Shanmugam +1 Welcome Alexandr!
Lars Vogel +1 Thanks, Alexandr for stepping up to help.
Alexander Kurtakov +1 Well deserved!
Brevitas iusto praesent proprius utinam vero. Conventio hos macto nisl proprius quibus. Adipiscing antehabeo conventio defui humo neque plaga +1 Welcome, keep up the good work!
Thomas Watson +1
Michael Keppler +1
Dani Megert +1

PMC Approval

  • Lars Vogel (+1) Welcome!