Election for Sebastian Ratz as Committer on Eclipse Platform

Role Type

I would like to nominate my co-worker Sebastian Ratz as platform committer.

Sebastian provided many high quality patches in different area of platform and has gained a good understanding of the platform code.
He also has contributed patches to PDE, P2 and tycho as well. His contributions are of good quality and are highly appreciated. He has been an active contributor to eclipse platform since 2016.
Sebastian also already helped with reviewing and testing incoming changes.

Here is the complete list of his contributions to platform:

eclipse.platform.ui$ git shortlog --author="Sebastian Ratz"
Sebastian Ratz (8):
Bug 499350 - Smart Project Importer: Ignore projects without physical location #2
Bug 538989 - FormText: Copying selection text contains unwanted leading newline
Bug 536308: update AbstractContributionItem with delay
Bug 528031 - Use requestLayout in ProgressIndicator to reduce synchronous layout calls
Bug 545790 - Link handler for URI scheme cannot be added if "eclipse.launcher" property is not set
Bug 545790 - Link handler for URI scheme cannot be added if "eclipse.launcher" property is not set
Bug 545918 - Add option to make Form title text selectable
Bug 545918 - Add option to make Form title text selectable

eclipse.platform.runtime$ git shortlog --author="Sebastian Ratz"
Sebastian Ratz (1):
Bug 544423 - Resolve usage of deprecated PackageAdmin

eclipse.platform.swt$ git shortlog --author="Sebastian Ratz"
Sebastian Ratz (3):
Bug 476043 - Fix crash related to ActiveX Filtering in IE11
Bug 538425 - Image#getImageData(zoom) implementation does not auto-scale correctly on win32 and gtk
Bug 547506 - [MacOS] [WebKit] java.lang.NullPointerException at org.eclipse.swt.browser.WebKit.webView_didFailProvisionalLoadWithError_forFrame

eclipse.platform.text$ git shortlog --author="Sebastian Ratz"
Sebastian Ratz (6):
Bug 518939 - Fix text zoom enablement in multi page editors
Bug 535964 - Move some non UI classes from jface.text to o.e.text.
Bug 535964 - Move some non UI classes from jface.text to o.e.text.
Bug 543951 - Line ruler update after quick fix Refactor->Rename in Workspace depends on layout call in ProgressIndicator
Bug 516644 - [regression] NPE in org.eclipse.team.internal.ui.history.CompareFileRevisionEditorInput.getResource(ICompareInput)
Bug 516644 - [regression] Unit test for NPE in org.eclipse.team.internal.ui.history.CompareFileRevisionEditorInput.getResource(ICompareInput)

eclipse.platform.common$ git shortlog --author="Sebastian Ratz"
Sebastian Ratz (1):
Bug 545790 - Link handler for URI scheme cannot be added if "eclipse.launcher" property is not set

eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator$ git shortlog --author="Sebastian Ratz"
Sebastian Ratz (1):
Bug 545632 - R4_11_maintenance is not buildable

Here is the complete list of his contributions to other eclipse projects:

eclipse.pde.ui$ git shortlog --author="Sebastian Ratz"
Sebastian Ratz (1):
Bug 506157 - mixed line ending in MANIFEST.MF when changes are applied through IBundleProjectDescription

rt.equinox.p2$ git shortlog --author="Sebastian Ratz"
Sebastian Ratz (1):
Bug 544220 - Huge performance impact due to product EE as required capability

org.eclipse.tycho$ git shortlog --author="Sebastian Ratz"
Sebastian Ratz (2):
Bug 544345 - Consume 2019-03 RC1 p2 to improve performance of dependency resolution
Bug 546733 - Consume 2019-06 M1 p2 to improve performance of dependency resolution

org.eclipse.xsd$ git shortlog --author="Sebastian Ratz"
Sebastian Ratz (1):
[540147] EMF/XSD: Switch to tycho build introduced cyclic dependency between sdk and source features

org.eclipse.emf$ git shortlog --author="Sebastian Ratz"
Sebastian Ratz (1):
[540147] EMF/XSD: Switch to tycho build introduced cyclic dependency between sdk and source features

Please join me in welcoming Sebastian.

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Matthias Becker +1 +1 implied by nomination
Mickael Istria +1 Welcome!
Alexander Kurtakov +1 Well deserved!
Karsten Thoms +1 Welcome, Sebastian :)
Sarika Sinha +1
Andrey Loskutov +1
Rolf Theunissen +1 Welcome!
Lars Vogel +1 Welcome Sebastian

PMC Approval

  • Lars Vogel (+1) Welcome, Sebastian