Election for Andrey Loskutov as Project Lead on Eclipse Platform

Role Type

Hi all,

this is a bit unusual nomination - I would like to nominate myself as a project lead on the Eclipse Platform project.

I've decided to do this step after Red Hat announced a plan to reduce involvement in the IDE work after 4.27, see [1].

Being project lead would help me maintaining Platform project. I would be able to maintain github projects / repos, ask Fountation to do some tasks where project lead role is required, vote for milestones and for PR's during freeze period, update milestones etc.

My background

I'm Eclipse Platform team lead in Advantest, my company builds semiconductor testers (== very expensive hardware to test chips) with UI's based on Eclipse IDE and it is my day job to keep Eclipse Platform in a good shape.
I've started to contribute to Platform project in 2014 and fixed few bugs since, see [2], [3]. I'm also contributing to various other Eclipse related projects, see [4].

My plans for the future

- keep an eye on the Platform builds, tests, bugs and PR's
- make sure Eclipse Platform remains stable & usable
- do whatever needed to keep "classic Java IDE on desktop" functional for the next few years (at least)

The Platform project lead role should help me doing things above.

[1] https://www.eclipse.org/lists/eclipse-dev/msg12113.html
[2] https://projects.eclipse.org/content/andrey-loskutov-committer-eclipse-…
[3] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?bug_status=RESOLVED&bug_statu…
[4] https://accounts.eclipse.org/users/aloskutov#tab-projects


Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Andrey Loskutov +1 +1 implied by nomination
Christoph Laeubrich +1 Sounds reasonable! Thanks for your work and engagements for platform project and commitment to Eclipse (Desktop) IDE!
Thomas Watson +1
Mickael Istria +1
Jonah Graham +1
Simeon Andreev +1
Alexandr Miloslavskiy +1
Lars Vogel +1 Welcome, great work in JDT as project lead which also is a good reason to have you also as platform lead
Ed Merks +1 Thank you for your tireless dedication!
Alexander Kurtakov +1 Welcome!
Szymon Ptaszkiewicz +1 +1
Hannes Wellmann +1 Thank you for your great dedication for the Eclipse TLPs.
Sebastian Ratz +1
Alexander Fedorov +1 Thank you for what you are doing all these years! Your vision has a really good balance between innovation and stability. I am sure that Eclipse (Desktop) IDE will have a good chance of surviving under your leadership.

PMC Approval

  • Jay Arthanareeswaran (+1) Congratulations, Andrey!