Election for Kit Lo as Committer on Eclipse Platform

Role Type

I would like to nominate Kit Lo as platform committer. He is project lead for Eclipse Babel project(https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.babel/who) He is contributing to releng work for the platform. He created new build framework for eclipse use.

He is currently monitoring our builds and tests and contributing to releng regularly. He would be great addition to our releng team

Here are some of his contributions

Bug 532933 - Add new test configuration that runs with Java 10
Bug 535500 - Modify equinox naming convention
Bug 541302 - Create new git clone script for eclipse platform
Bug 544603 - Create new scripts for Maven operations
Bug 545430 - Create new scripts to gather different artifacts
Bug 546098 - Create new scripts to generate repository reports
Bug 546174 - Create new scripts to tag build inputs
Bug 546213 - Create new scripts to generate API tools reports
Bug 546621 - Create new scripts to gather Equinox artifacts
Bug 546760 - Create new scripts to gather Eclipse publish files
Bug 546947 - Define variables needed for download pages
Bug 546977 - comparator log files not generated

Major feature he worked on:
Bug 541301 - Prepare eclipse platform project for CJE migration

This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti +1 +1 implied by nomination
Mickael Istria +1 Welcome!
Andrey Loskutov +1
Alexander Kurtakov +1 Welcome!
Szymon Ptaszkiewicz +1 +1
Lars Vogel +1 Welcome
Matthias Becker +1 Welcome!
Rolf Theunissen +1
Sarika Sinha +1 Welcome!
Lakshmi P Shanmugam +1 Welcome!
Noopur Gupta +1 Welcome, Kit!
Mike Wilson +1 welcome
Dani Megert +1
Karsten Thoms +1 Welcome :-)
Kalyan Prasad Tatavarthi +1
Thomas Watson +1

PMC Approval

  • Alexander Kurtakov (+1) Welcome!