Election for Mihai Nita as Committer on Eclipse Platform

Role Type

Mihai Nita recently contributed the ANSI Color Console to eclipse a long missing feature for the Eclipse Platform™ and has already made an impact on the project, see the N&N entry here for details:


As he has shown to constantly contributing and and supporting the enhancement of features around the ANSI Color Console support:
- https://github.com/eclipse-platform/eclipse.platform.debug/commits?auth…
- https://github.com/eclipse-platform/eclipse.platform.common/commits?aut…
- https://github.com/eclipse-platform/eclipse.platform.swt/commits?author…

It is my pleasure to nominate Mihai Nita as a committer on Eclipse Platform™ so he is able to even be more productive with this.

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Christoph Laeubrich +1 +1 implied by nomination
Alexander Kurtakov +1 Well deserved!
Ed Merks +1 Welcome.
Matthias Becker +1 Welcome
Lars Vogel +1 Welcome
Mickael Istria +1
Alexander Fedorov +1 Welcome!
Jonah Graham +1
Sarika Sinha +1
Karsten Thoms +1

PMC Approval

  • Alexander Kurtakov (+1) Welcome, Mihai!