Eclipse EMF Compare 3.3.1

EMF Compare 3.3.1 mainly brings improvements on our integration with EGit and the diagram comparisons through Papyrus.

The performance of comparisons for models under git version control have been increased, mainly on fragmented models. The detection of parts of the logical model has also been improved notably for the files that may not be in direct correlation such as Payrus di and notation files.

The conflict detector has also seen a major overhaul so that it scales better for models with a large number of differences.

Release Date
Release Type
Service release (bug fixes only)
This release is part of Eclipse Oxygen
Name Date Description
3.3.1M1 2016/08/09
3.3.1M2 2016/09/20
3.3.1M3 2016/11/01
3.3.1M4 2016/12/13
3.3.1M5 2017/01/31
3.3.1M6 2017/03/14
3.3.1M7 2017/05/16
3.3.1RC1 2017/05/23
3.3.1RC2 2017/05/30
3.3.1RC3 2017/06/06
3.3.1RC4 2017/06/13