Eclipse ReqCycle

ReqCycle addresses both requirement management (create data model, create/import/reference requirements…) and requirement traceability of development artefacts that can be clearly identified as "Reacheable objects" (through a Unified Resource Identifier) and with flexibility to conform to a custom process and associated data model.

ReqCycle is generally used in two different steps: configuration and operations. Configuration is generally done by "methods/quality" team while operations are done by system engineers.

  1. Configuration: Define data model for your project or your company with scopes and requirements types (list of attributes).
  2. Configuration: Define kinds of traceability links needed by the project or your company.
  3. Operations: Import/update/reference requirements and manage them according to the data model (scopes, requirements structure).
  4. Operations: Create links between requirements and development artefacts according to traceability link types defined in configuration.
  5. Operations: capture other traceability links according to registered traceability engines and aggregate those links with those created previously. Calculate traceability metrics. Export traceability data.

Example of SysML requirement traceability captured and visualized in a treeview.

ReqCycle is currently experimented in several contexts (avionics, railways, automotive) to support use cases from AGeSys French collaborative project.

Eclipse Public License 1.0

The content of this open source project is received and distributed under the license(s) listed above. Some source code and binaries may be distributed under different terms. Specific license information is provided in file headers and in NOTICE files distributed with the project's binaries.

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