Eclipse Target Management: Terminal and Remote System Explorer (RSE) 3.5.0

Release Date

Target Management source code release, available as a commit tagged "R3_5" in the project's RSE Git Repository.

The runtime and SDK features are available in a P2 repository. See our Hudson build page to download a copy of the nightly build repository. For each milestone of 3.5 there will be a download page containing the current repository, the major packages in zip format, and the runtime zips for the server code.

  • Remote System Explorer (RSE):
    • RSE SDK (includes runtime, user and programmer documentation, with sources)
    • RSE client runtime binaries (split up by protocol, includes user documentation)
    • RSE dstore server runtime
    • RSE User Actions and Compile Commands
    • RSE tutorial code and examples
    • RSE unit test framework and tests
  • Stand-alone components:
    • TM Terminal SDK (includes runtime, user and programmer documentation, with sources)
    • Redistribution of Apache Commons Net 2.2 (also available through the Orbit project)
  • Incubating components:
    • TM Local Terminal Connector (runtime and sources)


The WinCE subsystems are deprecated in this release.

All stand-alone components will have an integration part that makes them work inside the RSE framework. For that reason, there are no downloadable stand-alone component tests, but the RSE unit test component will also have tests for the stand-alone components.


Target Management 3.5 will be backward compatible with TM 3.4.

API Contract Compatibility: Target Management 3.5 will be compatible with TM 3.4 as per the constraints documented in the TM 3.4 API Docs.

Binary (plug-in) Compatibility: Target Management 3.5 will be binary compatible with TM 3.4.

Source Compatibility: Target Management 3.5 will not be source compatible with TM 3.4 as there will be changes in internal interfaces.

Workspace Compatibility: We intend to keep Target Management 3.5 upwards workspace-compatible with TM 3.4 unless noted. This means that workspaces and projects created with TM 3.4 can be successfully opened by Target Management 3.5 and upgraded to a 3.5 workspace. This includes especially TM 3.4 connection definitions, which may propagate between workspaces via file copying or team repositories. User interface session state may be discarded when a workspace is upgraded. Downward workspace compatibility is not supported. A workspace created (or opened) by a product based on TM 3.5 may be unusable with a product based on TM 3.4.


The Remote System Explorer is designed as the basis for internationalized products. The user interface elements provided by the RSE components, including dialogs and error messages, are externalized. The English strings are provided as the default resource bundles. The default bundles will be localized to a subset of those locales offered by the Platform. This plan will be updated to indicate which locales will be provided and the timeframe for availability.

Target Environments

In order to remain current, each Eclipse release is designed to run on reasonably current versions of the underlying operating environments.

The Target Management Project 3.5 depends upon on the Eclipse Platform 4.3. For this release, the RSE sources will be written and compiled against Java SE 6, and are designed to run on that version as well.

The Target Management deliverables will be tested and validated against a small subset of the reference platforms listed in the Eclipse Platform 4.3 Project Plan (this list is updated over the course of the release cycle).

Apple Mac OS X 10.8 is considered a "secondary" Reference Platform meaning that it does receive some amount of systematic testing but doesn't enjoy quite the same priority for bug fixes as the other Platforms.

Reference Platforms

  • Microsoft Windows 7; SP1; x86, 64-bit; Win32; Oracle Java 6
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server; 11; x86, 64-bit; GTK; Oracle Java 6 or IBM Java 6
  • Apple Mac OS X (Secondary, see below); 10.8 (Mountain Lion); Universal 64-bit; Cocoa; Oracle Java 6

Eclipse and Target Management undoubtedly run fine in many operating environments beyond the reference platforms we test. However, since we do not systematically test them we cannot vouch for them. Problems encountered when running Target Management on a non-reference platform that cannot be recreated on any reference platform will be given lower priority than problems with running Target Management on a reference platform.

Although untested, Target Management should work fine on other OSes that support the same window system. For more details, see the Eclipse Platform 4.3 Project Plan.

Datastore Agent Reference Platforms

The Datastore protocol is the default protocol shipped with RSE for accessing remote file systems, process info and shells. It requires a Datastore server (agent) running on the remote system. This Datastore agent is shipped as plain Java Source Code together with the RSE distribution. It should run fine on any Java Platform, with additional Data Miner Plug-ins that may be OS specific.

We will test and verify the Datastore agent on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11, Intel x86, IBM 1.6 VM


Name Date Description
3.5M3 2012/11/11
3.5M4 2012/12/21
3.5M5 2013/02/08
3.5M6 2013/03/22
3.5M7 2013/05/10 API Freeze, Feature Freeze
3.5RC1 2013/05/24
3.5RC2 2013/05/31
3.5RC3 2013/06/07
3.5RC4 2013/06/14

Update Release Engineering

For the 3.5 release we are updating our release engineering to use the latest Eclipse Foundation tools. Required features include automatic signing and adoption of Orbit, easy promoting to the Eclipse Servers and Kepler, running automated unit tests with automatic reporting of test failures to the mailing lists, ability and description for running the releng build on any adopter's system. We have adopted Tycho as the standard build system at Eclipse in this release, and have our main and legacy builds run on the Eclipse Hudson instance. In bugzilla, items related to this theme are tagged with "[releng]" in the Summary (query: all [releng] open).
No items.

Run on Eclipse 4.3

Eclipse 4.3 is the designated main stream of Eclipse Platform development. The TM project is committed to developing, running and testing on the Eclipse 4.3 platform, and fixing defects as they are discovered. In bugzilla, items related to Eclipse 4.3 migration are tagged with "[43]" in the Summary
No items.
This release is part of Kepler