Merge into the Java EE Tools Project and Terminate

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.

With this restructuring, the source code for the EJB Tools project will be merged into the Java EE Tools Project, and the EJB Tools project will be terminated.

As the needs and activities for the EJB Project have been minimized, and the current lead of the EJB Project has requested to step down, we are proposing the EJB Project be merged with the Java EE project.

The existing EJB code base will be maintained and upgraded as needed to remain in sync with latest Java EE specification changes, similar to the corresponding programming models under the Java EE project.

The proposal would be to move the EJB git repo under the javaee folder, but no refactoring of the repository and source within would occur.

Existing repo: would simply change the url location...

The intent is for the Java EE project to assume control over this source repository, bugzilla's, and any other development resources owned by this project, including support for all past releases.