Eclipse Dataspace

The Eclipse Dataspace Working Group will encourage, develop, and promote open-source solutions that will enable the development, as well as the participation in dataspaces for organizations of all types and sizes. It does not favor a specific industry or type of organization and is fully dedicated to enable global adoption of dataspace technologies to foster the creation and operation of trusted data sharing ecosystems. The working group will have a strong focus on participating in standards development, implementation and onboarding of existing open-source projects and providing guidance to associated projects on alignment of supporting a broad ecosystem of interoperable dataspaces.

Eclipse Conformity Assessment Policy and Credential Profile

This proposal contributes to implements an end-to-end holistic approach to seamlessly integrate, anchor, and enforce negotiated data exchange agreements throughout the underlying infrastructure

Eclipse Dataspace Decentralized Claims Protocol

Technical DetailsDCP defines the following protocol flows.1. Base Identity Protocol (BIP)The *Base Identity Protocol* defines how to obtain and communicate participant identities and claims using self

Eclipse Dataspace Protocol

The Eclipse Dataspace Protocol is used in the context of data spaces as described and defined in the subsequent sections with the purpose to support interoperability. In this context, the