Eclipse Theia 0.14.0

Release Date

Breaking changes:

- [core] updated browser windows spawned through the opener-service to have `noopener` set which ultimately preventing them from accessing `window.opener`. `openNewWindow` will no longer return a Window as a result [#6683](

- [debug] renamed command `COPY_VARAIBLE_AS_EXPRESSION` to `COPY_VARIABLE_AS_EXPRESSION` [#6698](

- [debug] renamed command `COPY_VARAIBLE_VALUE` to `COPY_VARIABLE_VALUE` [#6698](

- [debug] renamed getter method `multiSesssion` to `multiSession` [#6698](

- [task] added `taskDefinitionRegistry` and `taskSourceResolver` to the constructor of `TaskRunQuickOpenItem` and `ConfigureBuildOrTestTaskQuickOpenItem` [#6718](

- [task] changed the data structure of `ProvidedTaskConfigurations.tasksMap` [#6718](

- [terminal] renamed `TerminalCopyOnSelectionHander` to `TerminalCopyOnSelectionHandler` [#6692](