Eclipse Theia 1.1.0

Release Date

- [application-manager] added meta tag to enable fullscreen on iOS devices [#7663](

- [application-package] added warning if an unknown target is provided [#7578](

- [application-package] updated default application name from 'Theia' to 'Eclipse Theia' [#7656](

- [cli] improved the `download:plugins` script including performance and error handling [#7677](

- [cli] updated the `download:plugins` script to include colors for better visibility [#7648](

- [core] added functionality to prevent pasting into the active editor when closing a tab with a middle mouse click [#7565](

- [core] added support to allow providing a custom node for ReactWidget [#7422](

- [core] aligned max listeners check with VS Code expectations [#7508](

- [core] fixed 'recently used commands' to be only added when triggered by the quick-command palette [#7552](

- [core] fixed 'recently used commands': [#7562](

- added sorting of commands based on their human-readable label

- fixed issue where recently used commands where not correctly separated by a border and groupName

- [core] fixed issue where menu args where unnecessarily wrapped into another array [#7622](

- [core] fixed leaking `DisposableCollection.onDispose` event [#7508](

- [core] fixed release of leaking editor from quick-open and goto references [#7508](

- [core] improved display for the 'Remove Folder from Workspace` dialog [#7449](

- [core] upgraded `nsfw` to 1.2.9 [#7535](

- [core] upgraded `vscode-uri` to version ^2.1.1 [#7506](

- [core] upgraded to LSP 6.0.0 [#7149](

- [documentation] updated developing documentation for Windows [#7640](

- [editor] updated binding of `EditorCommandContribution` and `EditorMenuContribution` [#7569](

- [electron] added functionality to fork the backend unless `--no-cluster` flag is specified [#7386](

- [electron] added functionality to pass arguments to the backend process [#7386](

- [electron] fixed setting `process.versions.electron` for sub-processes [#7386](

- [git] disabled the 'Git Initialize Repository' action when no workspace is opened [#7492](

- [git] updated `successExitCodes` and `expectedErrors` to arrays to fix serialization [#7627](

- [keymaps] updated the keybindings-widget sorting, and added category as part of the label if applicable [#7532](

- [monaco] added handling to respect `editor.maxTokenizationLineLength` preference [#7618](

- [monaco] fixed incorrect `isChord` call [#7468](

- [monaco] reworked Monaco commands to align with VS Code [#7539](

- [monaco] upgraded `onigasm` to version ^2.2.0 fixing syntax-highlighting [#7610](

- [monaco] upgraded to Monaco version 0.19.3 [#7149](

- [outline-view] fixed keybinding collision between toggling the outline-view and performing 'format document' on Linux [#7694](

- [output] added `Select All` in the output-view [#7523](

- [output] added optional argument `severity` to `OutputChannel.appendLine` method for coloring [#7549](

- [plugin-ext] fixed custom icon themes and icons for Electron [#7583](

- [plugin] added ability to override built-in commands [#7592](

- [plugin] added additional `vscode.execute...` commands [#7563](

- [plugin] added functionality preventing <kbd>F1</kbd> and <kbd>ctrlcmd</kbd>+<kbd>p</kbd> hotkeys in a webview iframe [#7496](

- [plugin] added functionality which makes `env.appName` reuse the value of `applicationName` (as defined in the `package.json`) [#7642](

- [plugin] added sorting of plugin in the plugins-view [#7601](

- [plugin] added support for `SelectionRange` and `SelectionRangeProvider` VS Code API [#7534](

- [plugin] aligned message-service behavior with VS Code [#7500](

- [plugin] fixed error handling when selecting an invalid node for hosted-plugins [#7636](

- [plugin] fixed incompatibility issues with `SaveFileDialog` [#7461](

- [plugin] fixed late textmate-grammar activation [#7544](

- [plugin] fixed overriding of built-in Monaco commands [#7539](

- [plugin] fixed parsing of DAP messages to match VS Code API [#7517](

- [plugin] removed filtering of duplicate tasks [#7676](

- [plugin] removed registration of commands provided by Monaco [#7592](

- [plugin] removed unused injections of `ResourceProvider` [#7595](

- [plugin] updated the VS Code API version to 1.44.0 [#7564](

- [preferences] added functionality which defers change events in the same tick [#7676](

- [scm] fixed `overviewRuler` and `minimap` theming for SCM decorations [#7330](

- [task] added functionality which saves the scope as part of the `TaskService.lastTask` [#7553](

- [task] added functionality which sets focus to the terminal that the attached task is running from [#7452](

- [task] added support for `presentation.clear` in the task configuration schema [#7454](

- [task] added support for `presentation.echo` in the task configuration schema [#7503](

- [task] added support for `presentation.panel` in the task configuration schema [#7260](

- [task] added support for `presentation.showReuseMessage` in the task configuration schema [#7454](

- [task] added support for modifying existing problem matchers [#7455](

- [task] added support for user-defined labels for detected tasks [#7574](

- [task] fixed `presentation.reveal` and `presentation.focus` for detected tasks [#7548](

- [task] fixed issue to only allow running selected texts in a user terminal [#7453](

- [terminal] added new terminal preferences [#7660](

- ``

- ``

- ``

- `terminal.integrated.shellArgs.linux`

- `terminal.integrated.shellArgs.osx`

- ``

- [test] added API tests for the TypeScript language [#7265](

- [test] fixed API tests on Windows [#7655](

- [vsx-registry] fixed minor font-family inconsistency with the download count [#7380](

- [vsx-registry] fixed rendering of rating and downloads if they have no value [#7380](

- [vsx-registry] updated styling of extension information [#7439](

- [workspace] added normalization of workspace root paths [#7598](

- [workspace] fixed incorrect statusbar color when in a multi-root workspace without any root folders [#7688](


- [core] `CommandRegistry.registerHandler` registers a new handler with a higher priority than previously [#7539](

- [plugin] deprecated is now `PluginModel.packagePath` and `PluginModel.packageUri` should be used instead [#7583](

- [plugin] removed `configStorage` argument from `PluginManager.registerPlugin` [#7265](

- use `PluginManager.configStorage` property instead. [#7265](

- [process] `TerminalProcess` doesn't handle shell quoting, the shell process arguments must be prepared from the caller [#6836](

- Removed all methods related to shell escaping inside this class. You should use functions located in `@theia/process/lib/common/shell-quoting.ts`

in order to process arguments for shells.

- [process/terminal] moved shell escaping utilities into `@theia/process/lib/common/shell-quoting` and `@theia/process/lib/common/shell-command-builder` for creating shell inputs [#6836](