Eclipse VOLTTRON 10.0.0RC

Release Date

The project focusses on building a modular version of Eclipse VOLTTRON. The modular version of  Eclipse VOLTTRON will help ease deployment and support flexible deployment where in only required agents/applications can be installed, thereby simplifying setup and upgrade steps for the end user. The changes include - 

• Platform will reside in a single repository (

•Service agents and libraries will reside in their own repositories

•Pluggable services and auth features

•Standardized agent and libraries repositories

•New repositories for base classes determined as necessary (Historian base, Market, etc)

•New Testing Repository

•Tooling – Github actions for CI


The modular Eclipse VOLTTRON version will not be compatible with older monolithic version of Eclipse VOLTTRON.

Target Environments

The target environment for the 10.0.0RC release of volttron is Ubuntu 22.04 with python 3.9.  This release work both on ARM 64 and x64 based environments.

Name Date Description
Release Branches Created for RC 2022/11/29 Release branch for each repository should be created off of the develop branch.
Release Notes Created 2022/11/29 Create release notes from the repositories based upon the over arching conditions of the repository.

Modularization Release

The following github repositories will release python wheels. All of the following repositories have the following owner namespace 'eclipse-volttron': volttron-core, volttron-listener, volttron-platform-driver, volttron-lib-base-driver, volttron-lib-auth, volttron-lib-zmq,volttron-lib-web, volttron-lib-sql-historian, volttron-sqlite-historian, volttron-lib-base-historian and volttron-testing. Each repository will publish a python wheel to pypi.