Eclipse Wild Web Developer 0.3.0



Eclipse Wild Web Developer 0.3.0 brings some support for JSX/TSX files, React.js and Angular frameworks

Architectural Issues


Security Issues


Non-Code Aspects

Eclipse Wild Web Developer was mentioned on multiple media after the 0.2.0 release, growing its installation count.

Eclipse Wild Web Developer marketplace entry was "audited" with potential users to make sure it fits to the actual target users and describe the proposed value more correctly.

Conforms To UI/UX Guidelines
Not verified
Usability Details

Wild Web Developer does reuse workflows and user interfaces from Eclipse Platform and LSP4E, so it conforms to typical usability patterns of the Eclipse IDE.

End of Life





3 contibutors provided patches for this release.

Wild Web Developer popularity is growing on Eclipse Marketplace. It reaches ~3000 monthly download and seems in a trend to get close to ~4000 by the end of this month, ranking it in the top #30 marketplace entries.

This release is part of Eclipse IDE 2019-06, Eclipse IDE 2019-09