Eclipse JGit: Java implementation of Git 3.4.0

Release Date

Planned features for 3.4.0:

  • include new features from 3.1-3.3 which will be shipped separate from release train
  • these minor releases will be contributed to the respective Luna milestones: 3.1 (Luna M2), 3.2 (Luna M4), 3.3 (Luna M6)
  • 3.2.0 was also contributed to Kepler SR2
  • support interactive rebase (released with 3.2)
  • support symbolic links on posix operating systems (partial support with 3.3)
  • support HTTP communication using Apache httpclient (released with 3.3)
  • preliminary support for merge drivers (only programmatic configuration, configuration via git attributes to be added later)
  • binary merge driver
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
This release is part of Luna