Eclipse Subversive SVN Team Provider 3.0

Release Date

In this release we do plan to:

  • improve plug-in stability
  • include the latest versions of SVN connectors
  • provide ways to deal with SVN errors in more intelligent manner
  • improve integration with Eclipse Platform facilities in order to enhance user experience.

The detailed project plan for this release is available at:



There are 3 major points to the API changes in this release:

  1. The masked constant ISVNConnector.Options.DISALLOW_MIXED_REVISIONS of 2.x version will be removed and the constant ISVNConnector.Options.ALLOW_MIXED_REVISIONS with the same value will be added since there was a semantic error in its naming
  2. All the untyped constants which were defined in version 2.x just as plain integer values will be defined using Java enumerations. Which automatically means changing the API methods signatures. For example the signature:

    public void add(String path, int depth, long options, ISVNProgressMonitor monitor) throws SVNConnectorException;

    was changed with the following one:

    public void add(String path, SVNDepth depth, long options, ISVNProgressMonitor monitor) throws SVNConnectorException;

    and so on.
  3. SVN error categories will be introduced and so are the methods to detect to which category the error belongs to. There're 2 such methods in SVNErrorCodes class (and a set of corresponding constants):
  • public static boolean belongsTo(int errorCode, int errorCategory);
  • public static int categoryOf(int errorCode);



The user interface elements provided by Subversive, including dialogs and error messages, are externalized. The English strings are provided as the default resource bundles.

Target Environments

New Subversive builds do not support nor Eclipse 4.2 and earlier, nor JRE 1.5. In the future this solution should allow us to make project code more clean and stable.

So, the Subversive project will support:

  • Eclipse Platform 4.3.x and higher
  • JDK/JRE 1.6.x and higher
  • Migration from SVN version 1.1.x-1.6.x to SVN 1.7.x and higher.
  • SVN version 1.7.x using SVN 1.7 compatible connectors.
  • SVN version 1.8.x using SVN 1.8 compatible connectors.
Name Date Description
M1 2014/08/20
M2 2014/10/01
M3 2014/11/12
M4 2014/12/17
M5 2015/02/04
M6 2015/03/25
M7 2015/05/06
RC1 2015/05/20
RC2 2015/05/27
RC3 2015/06/03
RC4 2015/06/10
This release is part of Mars