
Gradle is a modern open source polyglot build automation system.

OSGi® Technology Project

The OSGi® Technology Project hosts open source OSGi technology projects which are adjacent to the OSGi Specification Project but don't produce OSGi specifications or TCKs for OSGi specifications. Such

Eclipse Dataspace Components

Eclipse Dataspace Components (EDC) A dataspace is both a multi-organizational agreement and a supporting technical infrastructure that enables data sharing between two or more participants

Eclipse LSP4J

Eclipse LSP4J™ is a Java implementation of VSCode's language server protocol and debug adapter protocol intended to be consumed by tools and language servers and debug adapters implemented in Java.

Eclipse eTrice

Eclipse eTrice™ is an implementation of the ROOM modeling language for event driven real-time software systems. It provides tooling like textual and graphical editors, code generators for Java, C++

Eclipse Jifa

Jifa stands for "Java Issues Finding Assistant". This project originated from an internal system that was designed to improve the efficiency of diagnosing Java heap related issues that occurred in the

Eclipse Buildship: Eclipse Plug-ins for Gradle

Eclipse Buildship is a collection of Eclipse plug-ins that provide support for building software using Gradle. Buildship aims to provide a deep integration of Gradle into Eclipse. Buildship also aims

OSGi® Specification Project

OSGi® specifications enable the development, deployment and management of embedded, server-side, and cloud-native applications using software modularity to vastly improve the evolution, maintainability, and interoperability of applications and infrastructure.