Restructuring (Security and Website Subproject Termination)

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.

The Equinox Security and Website projects are no longer necessary. Their assets have already been transfered to other projects and so they are effectively empty. They will be terminated.

The Equinox Security project has no git repositories, no downloads, no CQs, and no Hudson builds. All security-related development work is done in other Equinox subprojects. The Equinox Security project is not viable, not active, and is no longer required. As there are no resources associated with the project, termination involves only retiring the existing committers. No archival is necessary.

The Equinox Website project was originally created as a work around for the then-current version of the Eclipse Development Process (EDP) which restricted "container" projects from having committers. We have since changed the EDP to remove this restriction. This project is no longer necessary. The project will be terminated and the website Git directory will be assigned/moved to the parent project, Equinox. All contributors to the website project in the past two years are already committers on Equinox. There are six committers on Equinox Website who are not already committers on Equinox; none of them have contributed to the project website repository and so there is no need move these committers.

The Equinox Website has no source code. Its intellectual property is limited only to the contents of the website. An IP Log review is not required.