
Tycho is focused on a Maven-centric, manifest-first approach to building Eclipse plug-ins, features, update sites, RCP applications and OSGi bundles.

Eclipse Epsilon

Eclipse Epsilon™ is a family of languages and tools for code generation, model-to-model transformation, model validation, comparison, migration and refactoring that work out-of-the-box with EMF and

Eclipse Sirius

Eclipse Sirius enables the specification of a modeling workbench in terms of graphical, table or tree editors with validation rules and actions using declarative descriptions.

Eclipse QVTd (QVT Declarative)

The Eclipse QVT Declarative (QVTd) component is a partial implementation of the Core (QVTc) and Relations (QVTr) Languages defined by the OMG standard specification (MOF) 2.0 Query/View/Transformation

Eclipse PDE

The Eclipse PDE™ (Plug-in Development Environment) provides tools to create, develop, test, debug, build and deploy Eclipse plug-ins, fragments, features, update sites and RCP products.

Eclipse Xtext

Eclipse Xtext™ is a framework for development of programming languages and domain specific languages. It covers all aspects of a complete language infrastructure, from parsers, over linker, compiler

Eclipse 4diac

Eclipse 4diac™ has been started 2007 as an open source project fostering the further development of IEC 61499 for its use in distributed Industrial Process Measurement and Control Systems (IPMCS) and

Eclipse ChemClipse

Eclipse ChemClipse supports the user to analyse data acquired from systems used in analytical chemistry. In particular, chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS) or flame-ionization detectors (GC/FID) is used to identify and/or monitor chemical substances. It's an important task e.g. for quality control issues.

Eclipse Trace Compass

Eclipse Trace Compass™ is an open source application to solve performance and reliability issues by reading and analyzing logs or traces of a system. Its goal is to provide views, graphs, metrics, and

Eclipse Common Build Infrastructure

The Eclipse Common Build Infrastructure (CBI) is an initiative combining infrastructure, services, technologies and best practices for building, testing and delivering software at the Eclipse

Eclipse Amalgam

The intention of the Modeling Amalgam™ project proposal is to augment the current Modeling project with one focused solely on refining the "user experience" when using Modeling project technologies.

Eclipse EMF

Eclipse EMF™ is a modeling framework and code generation facility for building tools and other applications based on a structured data model. From a model specification described in XMI, EMF provides

Eclipse Handly™

The Eclipse Handly™ project provides basic building blocks for handle-based models, with an emphasis on language-specific source code models of the underlying Eclipse workspace. It allows creating

Eclipse GMF Runtime

The Eclipse GMF Runtime is an industry proven application framework for creating graphical editors using Eclipse EMF and Eclipse GEF. The GMF Runtime provides many features that one would have to code

Eclipse Nebula - Supplemental Widgets for SWT

Eclipse Nebula is a place where different Eclipse-Projects and Independent developers collaborate on building Custom SWT widgets and reuseable UI-Components useable in UI-Applications built using SWT

Eclipse ATL

Eclipse ATL (ATL Transformation Language) is a model transformation language and toolkit. In the field of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), ATL provides ways to produce a set of target models from a set

Eclipse LSP4E

The project includes the necessary code to integrate any language server (conforming to the Language Server Protocol specification) or Debug Adapter (conforming to the Debug Adapter Protocol) in the

Eclipse aCute - C# and .NET Core development tools in Eclipse IDE

Eclipse aCute provides development tools for C# and .NET Core inside the Eclipse IDE.

Eclipse Target Management: Terminal and Remote System Explorer (RSE)

The Eclipse Target Management project creates data models and frameworks to configure and manage remote systems, their connections, and their services. Our main offerings are the Remote System

Eclipse Spatio-Temporal Epidemiological Modeler

  • Archived

The Eclipse Spatio-Temporal Epidemiological Modeler (STEM) is a tool designed to help scientists and public health officials create and use models of emerging infectious diseases. STEM uses

Eclipse Extended Editing Framework (EEF)

The Eclipse Extended Editing Framework is a presentation framework for the Eclipse Modeling Framework. It allows user to create rich user interfaces to edit EMF models.