
Eclipse EMF Parsley

Eclipse EMF Parsley is an Eclipse project that provides a set of reusable UI components based on EMF (e.g., trees, tables, forms, views and editors), hiding most of the complexity of internal details, that can be used in your EMF-based plugin out-of-the-box. These parts are highly customizable via a DSL that let change a lot of details even easier and in a very compact form. The DSL is implemented in Xtext, thus, it comes with rich and powerful IDE tooling.

Eclipse EMF Client Platform

The Eclipse EMF Client Platform is a framework for building EMF-based client applications. The goal is to provide reusable, adaptable and extensible UI components to develop applications based on a

Eclipse Extended Editing Framework (EEF)

The Eclipse Extended Editing Framework is a presentation framework for the Eclipse Modeling Framework. It allows user to create rich user interfaces to edit EMF models.