This proposal has been approved and the Eclipse Grizzly project has been created.
Visit the project page for the latest information and development.

Eclipse Grizzly

Friday, November 3, 2017 - 18:06 by Bill Shannon
This proposal is in the Project Proposal Phase (as defined in the Eclipse Development Process) and is written to declare its intent and scope. We solicit additional participation and input from the community. Please login and add your feedback in the comments section.
Parent Project
Proposal State

This project is created as part of the process of transitioning Oracle Java EE 8 and GlassFish technologies to the Eclipse Foundation as described in The Eclipse Enterprise for Java Project Top Level Project Charter (


The Eclipse Grizzly project provides an NIO framework used by the GlassFish application server.  It does not directly implement any Java standards, but provides the underlying support for Glassfish Java Servlet implementation.


Writing scalable server applications in the Java™ programming language has always been difficult. Before the advent of the Java New I/O API (NIO), thread management issues made it impossible for a server to scale to thousands of users. The Eclipse Grizzly NIO framework has been designed to help developers to take advantage of the Java™ NIO API.

Why Here?

The top level EE4J project was created consistent with the direction described in The Eclipse Enterprise for Java Project Top Level Project Charter (   This project is created under the top level EE4J project as one of Oracle Java EE 8 and GlassFish technologies being transitioned to the Eclipse Foundation.

Initial Contribution

The initial contribution includes Oracle-owned code from an existing GitHub repository.  Additional Grizzly-related repositories will be contributed at a later date.

Where possible, committers on the existing project will remain contributors to this project.

Source Repository Type