Cloud Native Java

Eclipse GlassFish

Eclipse GlassFish® is a complete application server that implements the Jakarta EE specification. GlassFish includes implementations of all required and optional Jakarta EE APIs, and passes all

Eclipse Grizzly

Writing scalable server applications in the Java™ programming language has always been difficult. Before the advent of the Java New I/O API (NIO), thread management issues made it impossible for a

Eclipse AQAvit

Eclipse AQAvit™ is the quality and runtime branding evaluation project for Java SE runtimes and associated technology. During a release it takes a functionally complete Java runtime and ensures that

Eclipse Mission Control

Eclipse Mission Control™ enables you to monitor and manage Java applications without introducing the performance overhead normally associated with these types of tools. It uses data collected for

Eclipse Documentation for Jakarta EE

The Eclipse Documentation for Jakarta EE project hosts documentation intended for programmers interested in developing and deploying Jakarta EE applications. It covers the technologies comprising the

Eclipse OpenJ9

Eclipse OpenJ9™ is a high performance, enterprise calibre, flexibly licensed, openly governed cross platform Java Virtual Machine (JVM) extending and augmenting the runtime technology components from


The MicroProfile® project is aimed at optimizing Enterprise Java for the microservices architecture. Many innovative "microservice" Enterprise Java environments and frameworks already exist in the

Eclipse Temurin®

The Eclipse Temurin® project provides code and processes that support the building of runtime binaries and associated technologies that are high performance, enterprise-caliber, cross-platform, open

Eclipse OpenMQ

Eclipse Open Message Queue (Eclipse OpenMQ™) is a complete message-oriented middleware platform, offering high quality, enterprise-ready messaging. Eclipse OpenMQ is included in GlassFish.

Eclipse Migration Toolkit for Java

The Eclipse Migration Toolkit for Java is a tooling project for assisting the Java version migration. The project provides static/dynamic tools and documents that support the migration of Java

Jakarta Persistence

The Jakarta Persistence API is the Java API for the management of persistence and object/relational mapping in Jakarta EE and Java SE environments.

Eclipse Krazo

Eclipse Krazo™ is an implementation of action-based MVC specified by MVC 1.0 (JSR-371). It builds on top of JAX-RS and currently contains support for RESTEasy, Jersey and CXF with a well-defined SPI

Jakarta Batch

The Jakarta Batch project describes the XML-based job specification language (JSL), Java programming model, and runtime environment for batch applications for the Java platform. The specification ties

Jakarta Validation

Jakarta Validation is a specification which lets you express constraints on object models via annotations lets you write custom constraints in an extensible way provides the APIs to validate objects

Eclipse Cargo Tracker

Eclipse Cargo Tracker™demonstrates how you can develop applications with the Jakarta EE platform using widely adopted architectural best practices like Domain-Driven Design (DDD). The code is intended

Eclipse Yasson

Eclipse Yasson™ is a Java framework which provides a standard binding layer between Java classes and JSON documents. This is similar to what JAXB is doing in the XML world. Yasson is an official

Eclipse EE4J

Eclipse Enterprise for Java (EE4J) is an open source initiative to create standard APIs, implementations of those APIs, and technology compatibility kits for Java runtimes that enable development

Jakarta EE TCK

Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) for Jakarta EE platform. Used for testing Jakarta EE implementations for Jakarta EE spec compliance.

Jakarta Expression Language

Jakarta Expression Language (also referred to as the EL) provides an important mechanism for enabling the presentation layer (web pages) to communicate with the application logic (managed beans). The