Election for VINAY VISHAL as Committer on Jakarta Messaging

Role Type

Vinay is an Oracle employee working on JMS project. He's been participating in transferring several other EE4J project to the Eclipse Foundation. I am highly recommending Vinay and believe that he is a valuable addition to JMS team.

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Dmitry Kornilov +1 +1 implied by nomination
Ivar Grimstad +1
Werner Keil +1 I didn't realize, member companies also need to have committers approved, but it's a good thing. I trust Dmitry's recommendation.
Arjan Tijms +1 Great to have Vinay on board of the JMS project as well!
Yamini K B +1 I’ve been working closely with Vinay in the donation activities. His participation will surely help in transitioning of this project.
Nigel Deakin +1
Bill Shannon +1
Ed Bratt +1
Amy Kang +1

PMC Approval

  • Dmitry Kornilov (+1) Welcome!