Eclipse Adoptium®

The mission of the Eclipse Adoptium Top-Level Project is to produce high-quality runtimes and associated technology for use within the Java ecosystem.  We achieve this through a set of Projects under the Adoptium PMC and a close working partnership with external projects, most notably OpenJDK for providing the Java SE runtime implementation.  Our goal is to meet the needs of both the Eclipse community and broader runtime users by providing a comprehensive set of technologies around runtimes for Java applications that operate alongside existing standards, infrastructures, and cloud platforms.

The AdoptOpenJDK project was established in 2017 following years of discussions about the general lack of an open and reproducible build and test system for OpenJDK source across multiple platforms.  Since then it has grown to become a leading provider of high-quality OpenJDK-based binaries used by enterprises in embedded systems, desktops, traditional servers, modern cloud platforms, and large mainframes.  The Eclipse Adoptium project is the continuation of the original AdoptOpenJDK mission.

JOIN US! To join the project, please signup to the mailing lists below and join our Adoptium Slack.

WEBSITE: Full project documentation and downloads are available at

Industry Collaborations
Apache License, Version 2.0

The content of this open source project is received and distributed under the license(s) listed above. Some source code and binaries may be distributed under different terms. Specific license information is provided in file headers and in NOTICE files distributed with the project's binaries.

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