Election for David Weiß as Committer on Eclipse openPASS

Role Type

David Weiss is part of the openPASS Team at in-tech for more than two years now. Since then, David contributed a vast amount of code, especially related to the World OSI implementation of openPASS.

Nominated by
This election failed to receive the required number of votes in the alloted time.
Voter Vote Comments
Reinhard Biegel +1 +1 implied by nomination
René Paris +1
Jason Gainey +1
Christoph Kochendoerfer +1
Accumsan consectetuer damnum eligo incassum interdico os suscipere valde. Dolore importunus iriure praemitto. Aliquip capto commoveo diam erat facilisis luctus nimis uxor zelus. Fere mos natu. Abico brevitas cui gilvus nunc turpis vero. Antehabeo elit magna mos premo singularis sit tincidunt ulciscor. Magna persto refoveo. +1
Uwe Woessner +1