Election for Arnaud Dieumegard as Committer on Eclipse Capella

Role Type

I would like to nominate Arnaud Dieumegard as a new Commiter for the Capella Project.
He has contributed a lot since more than one year in the development of Capella Studio. He is already a Kitalpha committer, and Capella Studio is its continuity in the context of Capella.

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Benoit Langlois +1 +1 implied by nomination
Philippe Dul +1
Jean Barata +1 welcome !
Laurent Redor +1 Welcome on board Arnaud!
Florian Barbin +1 Welcome!
Olivier Constant +1 Nice, welcome!
Sandu Postaru +1 Welcome aboard!
Thomas Guiu +1 Welcome
Boubekeur Zendagui +1 Welcome

PMC Approval

  • Benoit Langlois (+1) Welcome Arnaud!