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Eclipse AQAvit

Thursday, November 19, 2020 - 09:06 by Tim Ellison
This proposal is in the Project Proposal Phase (as defined in the Eclipse Development Process) and is written to declare its intent and scope. We solicit additional participation and input from the community. Please login and add your feedback in the comments section.
Parent Project
Proposal State

The Eclipse Adoptium top-level project is the continuation of the original AdoptOpenJDK goals at the Eclipse Foundation.  The Adoptium project encompasses all aspects of the AdoptOpenJDK project, and that single endeavor is being constructed at Eclipse across projects including Temurin and AQAvit.

AQAvit is the quality and runtime branding project for Java SE runtimes and associated technology.  The goal of AQAvit is to measure and demonstrate the quality of a Java SE runtime as fit for production use in embedded systems, desktops, traditional servers, modern cloud platforms, and large mainframes.


The scope of the AQAvit project is to:

  • Define the quality criteria for runtime and development kit binaries in collaboration with the industry requirements.

  • Measure and report on the quality of Temurin binaries throughout the release process.

  • Provide a facility for all Java runtime producers to evaluate their binaries to the AQAvit quality criteria.

  • Support Adoptium members to create a quality mark definition that reflects a robust definition of quality.

  • Manage full life-cycle and versioning of the quality testing material.

  • Develop tests, frameworks, APIs, website, infrastructure, and material to manage quality assets and their associated technologies.

  • Develop materials to make using and consuming the results of the Oracle Java Compatibility Test Kit (JCK) easier for all users at Eclipse and beyond.

  • Define the traceability and recreate-ability of the Temurin releases in line with best industry practice.

  • Implement an open, robust, audit trail for release content and quality of Java runtimes.

  • Monitor and report on changes with regards to correctness, performance, and other quality criteria.


AQAvit is the quality and runtime branding evaluation project for Java SE runtimes and associated technology.  During a release it takes a functionally complete Java runtime and ensures that all the additional qualities are present that make it suitable for production use.  These quality criteria include good performance, exceptional security, resilience and endurance, and the ability to pass a wide variety of application test suites.  In addition to verifying that functionally complete runtimes are release ready, the AQA tests may also serve to verify new functionality during runtime development.

Why Here?

The AQAvit approach is part of the AdoptOpenJDK project that is moving to Eclipse under the Adoptium top-level project.  Creating AQAvit is part of the restructuring of the original project at Eclipse.

Renfei Wang (This committer does not have an Eclipse Account)
Mesbah Alam (This committer does not have an Eclipse Account)
Simon Rushton (This committer does not have an Eclipse Account)
Hendrik Ebbers (This committer does not have an Eclipse Account)
John Oliver (This committer does not have an Eclipse Account)

I would like to make two suggestions:

  1. Change the last sentence of the Description to read "In addition to verifying that functionally complete runtimes are release ready, the AQA tests may also serve to verify the quality of new functionality during runtime development."
  2. I think that the entire Legal Issues section can be deleted. Given that there is no intent for AQAvit to test for compliance, I think the words there are more confusing than helpful.