Eclipse SDV Developer Console

Eclipse SDV Developer Console (DCO) integrates necessary sources for software lifecycle management and there by optimizes the complete process from development to release of software. The core of DCO includes services for development, testing, simulations, release and lifecycle management of software. Hereby, DCOs mission is to automize as much as possible by using different concepts of re-usability and standardization by connecting different business roles along the software lifecycle on one source. As our open-source contribution, we focus on simulation of services with DCO.

With DCO you benefit from the concepts of standardization and re-usability. You can directly experience the scenario simulation in your productive environment. For instance simulate vehicle or fleet behaviours or use your own virtual vehicles or simulators to simulate backend services.

DCO comes with an user interface and related endpoints for backend interactions for defining your scenario, creating your simulation setup and to simulate your set of scenarios. In addition, your tool chain can be easily integreated to trigger a simulation with third-party applications, to analyze the simulation result and track the defects with your devops toolchain as well as the integration of applications for reporting and monitoring.

Industry Collaborations
Apache License, Version 2.0

The content of this open source project is received and distributed under the license(s) listed above. Some source code and binaries may be distributed under different terms. Specific license information is provided in file headers and in NOTICE files distributed with the project's binaries.

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