Eclipse SKyBT

Eclipse SKyBT (Smart Keyword Based Testing)

The core idea of Eclipse SKyBT: Based on our experience from numerous projects, the success factor of testing lies in the test design, everything else can and should be automated as much as possible.

With Eclipse SKyBT the test designers are able to describe the system under test as a model by using a defined syntax and keywords. The model includes the definition and selection of the needed interfaces, logical relations as a state machine and description of the logical objects with keyword sentences.

Custom keywords can be defined as needed for the current project. Platform or communication definitions can be imported and then be used as keywords. The keyword and syntax management are embedded.

Form these keyword-based models of the system under test the test designer is able to generate the needed testcase using the testcase generator. 

Of course, the user is also able to write classic testcases based on the syntax and keywords.

The models and testcases can be combined with parameters and test data sets.

As most of the test departments already have a working test management, testcases can be exported to the used application lifecycle management tools. 

Coming from the ALM tool the configured test suites can be executed in the used test automation. Since the testcases are based on keywords, there is no need to implement or update the testcase. All testcases that are based on the already implemented keywords can be executed directly. 

Apache License, Version 2.0

The content of this open source project is received and distributed under the license(s) listed above. Some source code and binaries may be distributed under different terms. Specific license information is provided in file headers and in NOTICE files distributed with the project's binaries.

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