Jersey 2.x is JavaEE8/Jakarta EE 8/JAX-RS 2.1/Jakarta REST 2.1 compatible release. Jersey 2.46 main improvements:
- Jersey update from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 slows down our external service res…
- Use Skipping Analyzer always
- Netty connector hang up after repeated buffer overflow errors when writing data #5753
- Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.11.0 to 2.14.0 in /tools/jersey-release-notes-maven-plugin
- Adopt ASM 9.7.1 (JDK 24)
- Adopt Jackson 2.18.0
- java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: jakarta.inject.Inject.value() #5782
- Wrapping all methods of the EntityInputStream
- [2.x] ParamConverterProvider constructors are now protected to allow extensibility
- NettyConnector - HOST header contains port & 307 works with buffered post
- Set correct HOST header for Netty & POST
- Fixed memory leak in Micrometer code when exceptions are returned from the method
- Fix memory leak when client does not use HK2
- Allow to configure Jackson's JaxRSFeature on Jersey DefaultJacksonJaxbJsonProvider
- Build & run with JDK 24