Eclipse Generation Factories (EGF) 1.4.0

Release Date

The EGF release is:

  • EGF SDK. It is EGF Core and two EGF portfolios distributed with their associated metamodels, source code, features and plugins. EGF SDK is available by update site and dropins.
  • Additional portfolios (i.e., Acceleo, ATL, ecoretools).

Examples are included with EGF SDK and the portfolios.


Name Date Description
Neon 2016/06/22
M3 2015/10/30
M4 2016/12/11
M5 2016/01/29
M6 2016/03/18
M7 2016/04/29
RC1 2016/05/05
RC2 2016/05/20
RC3 2016/05/27
RC4 2016/06/03

Core EGF

468275 [EcoreTools 2 portfolio] NPE in generation
478205 Cannot substitute pattern
483913 Improve behavior with target platform
485892 WorkspaceDomain driven strategy throw error on closed projects
491495 Reverse Codegen action fails
493732 Missing about.html

Build Portfolio

469294 Migration to Buckminster 4.2
487810 Build workspace task doesn't work with multiple acceleo projects
This release is part of Neon