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Eclipse SDV Developer Console

Monday, March 6, 2023 - 08:15 by Alexander Hegehofer
This proposal is in the Project Proposal Phase (as defined in the Eclipse Development Process) and is written to declare its intent and scope. We solicit additional participation and input from the community. Please login and add your feedback in the comments section.
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Eclipse SDV Developer Console is part of T-Systems hybercube portfolio. The program was created to accommodate OEMs with their limited development capacities for software development and increasing costs for service and platform operation. Hypercube enables automotive manufacturers and fleet operators to take advantage of the automation and standardization of non-differentiating software components to achieve accelerated time-to-market for new features. Hypercube is designed specifically for operations to ensure efficient operation throughout the software lifecycle.

After development of HyberCube and its cube SDVDeveloper Console, we aim with Open Source to encourage OEMs, service providers or other IT suppliers to take advantage of Hybercube to transform vehicles into SDVs, create new use cases and integrations for a joined connected world.

With SDV Developer Console we aim to solve business challenges which arises in development, testing and simulation of software in different scenarios along the lifecyle of software. This includes decreasing logistical costs of using physical vehicles or testbenches and continously changing demand and needs of software defined vehicles. Therefore automotive OEMs and software suppliers are forced to get a better tooling and also to manage this tooling cross-functional more effectivly to ensure that time, cost and quality are continously improved to perform test and simulations.


Eclipse Developer Console provides a solution to manage simulations of software defined vehicles components, from creating simulation objects (scenario), to simulation setup (track) and its execution (simulation).


Eclipse SDV Developer Console (DCO) integrates necessary sources for software lifecycle management and there by optimizes the complete process from development to release of software. The core of DCO includes services for development, testing, simulations, release and lifecycle management of software. Hereby, DCOs mission is to automize as much as possible by using different concepts of re-usability and standardization by connecting different business roles along the software lifecycle on one source. As our open-source contribution, we focus on simulation of services with DCO.

With DCO you benefit from the concepts of standardization and re-usability. You can directly experience the scenario simulation in your productive environment. For instance simulate vehicle or fleet behaviours or use your own virtual vehicles or simulators to simulate backend services.

DCO comes with an user interface and related endpoints for backend interactions for defining your scenario, creating your simulation setup and to simulate your set of scenarios. In addition, your tool chain can be easily integreated to trigger a simulation with third-party applications, to analyze the simulation result and track the defects with your devops toolchain as well as the integration of applications for reporting and monitoring.

Why Here?

Eclipse SDV Developer Consolte wants to speed up the development of software defined vehicles and therefore provides tools to enable software defined vehicles.

Eclipse SDV Developer Console is one part to manage the software along its lifecycle (development, testing, simulation, release and monitoring). Most automotive OEMs already have systems and solutions  for managing test or virtual vehicles but still struggling in developing testing and simulations platforms. Eclipse SDV Developer Console offers a solution with user interface and all backend functionalities from creating simulation objects (scenario), to simulation setup (track) and its execution (simulation). 

Simulation of different scenarios can be directly executed after integration of necessary OEM or supplier systems. 

Initial Contribution

Code is maintained and contributed by T-Systems and its Connected Mobility  Team which is responsible for Eclipse SDV Developer Console

Eclipse SDV Developer Console is based on microservice-architecture and  consist of following microservices:

  • developer-console-ui for user interactions on a industry well-proven and exciting user interface
  • dco-gateway for communitcation of dco-light backend and frontend application as well as with third party systems
  • dco-track-management-service for creating and manging simulation setup and its execution
  • dco-scenario-library-service for creating and manging the simulation object
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