Eclipse OpenXilEnv

Eclipse OpenXilEnv is a lightweight SIL/HIL environment that allows running embedded software functions on a PC without a target platform and compiler.

Eclipse OpenXilEnv will provide a configurable graphical user interface and an API for automation.

Use case scenarios:

  • Software in the Loop
  • Model in the Loop
  • Open Loop
  • Hardware in the Loop
  • Module tests
  • Network tests
  • Complete digital twin test
  • Manual tests
  • Automated tests
  • Rapid prototyping
  • Offline calibration

Some highlights are:

  • Easy integration of the code under test
  • Clean separation in own executables (memory protection) Communication over a network layer
  • Platform independent (Windows/Linux)
  • User interface (Qt) with a lot of display items (text, oscilloscope, tacho, ...),  items for manual intervention (text, slider, knob, ...)  and calibration items for single, curve and map parameters
  • Tree view of all static parameter and variables (debug information)
  • Can be extensively automated with a remote procedure call interface (Python) or a build-in script interpreter
  • GUI less variant exist for automation (Headless Variant)
  • Parallel execution (multi core) of test code 
  • Support of FMUs with FMI2.0 interface (64 and 32 bit)
  • Residual bus simulation of non-existing CAN (FD) bus members
  • Recording and replay in stimulation is possible with text or MDF3 files
  • Debug information parser (dwarf)
  •  A small A2L parser is included for calibration.A XCP over ethernet port to connect a calibration system
  •  Parallel execution (multi core) support with barriers for synchronisation.

OpenXilEnv was developed and maintained at ZF for the last 25 years and used in numerous projects.

Industry Collaborations
Apache License, Version 2.0

The content of this open source project is received and distributed under the license(s) listed above. Some source code and binaries may be distributed under different terms. Specific license information is provided in file headers and in NOTICE files distributed with the project's binaries.

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