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Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework (ESMF)

Monday, November 7, 2022 - 10:32 by Chris Volk
This proposal is in the Project Proposal Phase (as defined in the Eclipse Development Process) and is written to declare its intent and scope. We solicit additional participation and input from the community. Please login and add your feedback in the comments section.
Parent Project
Proposal State

Digital Twins – digital representations of physical as well as abstract assets, e.g., a drilling machine or a production process – are the foundation of digitalization efforts in production and logistics as they aim to achieve consistent data homogeneity and interoperability. We conceive Digital Twins as a collection of Aspects, where the Digital Twin establishes identity by representing a specified asset and the Aspects provide a domain-specific view on this asset. For the Asset Administration Shell, the implementation of a digital twin for Industry 4.0, an Aspect corresponds to a submodel.

Technically an Aspect is a software service that offers functionality and data related to the represented asset. Each Aspect references a concrete Aspect Model, which formally describes the data that is provided by the Aspect. For the Asset Administration Shell this linkage between aspect and aspect model is done via the semanticId of a submodel. A meta model is required allowing to express both schema information to perform data validation and domain semantics to make implicit information explicit. The Semantic Aspect Meta Model (SAMM) is a semantic meta model for defining the semantics of a submodel via an aspect model.

An Aspect Model contains both information about the runtime data structure (e.g., that there is a property in the data called "temperature", and that it has a numeric value) and information that is not part of the runtime data (e.g., the physical unit and the value range). It does not, however, contain actual runtime data (e.g., a numeric value representing the current temperature), as this will be delivered by the submodel of the digital twin.

The Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework (ESMF) project develops accompanying tooling to create, manage, and leverage Aspect Models. This helps to support manufacturing organizations in setting up an environment to make data-driven decisions that can help manage risk, optimize production, and adopt and explore new revenue streams or business models.

The bridge to the Asset Administration Shell is provided by already existing importers in the Eclipse AASX Package Explorer as well as AASX command line generators in the SDK of this project.

Known standards such as IEC 61360 and international data dictionaries like ECLASS [1] and IEC CDD [2] but also existing ontologies can be used as basis for building aspect models. 

Aspect Models express a schema with a defined Resource Description Framework (RDF, [3]) vocabulary and are validated by a comprehensive set of rules in the Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL, [4]). Domain semantics are captured by a combination of structural elements, relations, namespaces and reified named concepts. In comparison to OWL [5], SAMM favors aggregation over inheritance in modeling, thus enabling domain experts without background in ontology engineering to create and maintain Aspect Models.

There will be close relationship to other activities that also aim for open source approaches, for example Industrial Digital Twin Association (IDTA), Gaia-X, International Data Spaces Assocation  (IDSA), Eclipse BaSyx, Catena-X (Eclipse TRACTUS-X), Manufacturing-X and the Digital Twin Consortium. 



  1. ECLASS, last accessed 2021-07-28
  2. IEC 61360-4, Common Data Dictionary (CDD - V2.0014.0017).
  3. Cyganiak, R., Wood, D., Lanthaler, M.. RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax.
  4. Knublauch, H., Kontokostas, D., Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL).
  5. Bock, C et al.: OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Structural Specification
  6. Catena-X. last accessed 2021/07/28



The Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework (ESMF) project develops the Semantic Aspect Meta Model (SAMM) and accompanying ontologies and tooling to create, manage, and leverage Aspect Models for defining the semantics of submodels in the Asset Administration Shell.

The Eclipse ESMF project is focusing on the following features / functionalities:

  • Specification: A written specification of the Semantic Aspect Meta Model and its usage
  • Meta Model: An implementation of SAMM
  • Different SDKs: Software Development Kits to work with SAMM models, e.g. in Java, JavaScript and Phython
  • Command Line Interface: A Command Line Interface to validate, process and transform SAMM models
  • Aspect Model Editor: A visual editor to create, edit and validate SAMM models
  • I4.0 Core Information Model:  A common and standardized definition of relevant manufacturing entities, their attributes, and relationships, including their semantic meaning

A digital twin is defined, for example, by the Asset Administration Shell as a set of submodels each representing a different aspect of the asset being represented by the digital twin. To enable semantic interoperability the semantics of every aspect needs to be cleary defined.

The Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework provides exactly the means for defining the semantics of different aspects of information aka submodels provided via digital twins.

The core of the Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework is the development of the Semantic Aspect Meta Model (SAMM). Besides the SAMM specifying the language to define the semantics of a submodel in an "Aspect Model", the ESMF also includes an editor, SDKs in different programming languages, a command line tool for validation, generating documentation and different serializations and other functionality easing its usage and implementation in digital twin projects. Also aasx generators for support of Asset Administration Shell are in scope.

Aspect Models express a schema with a defined Resource Description Framework (RDF, [1]) vocabulary and are validated by a comprehensive set of rules in the Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL, [2]). Domain semantics are captured by a combination of structural elements, relations, namespaces and reified named concepts. 

Additionally, basic ontologies are developed to define a common terminology.

The Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework (ESMF) in combination with the specifications of and open source solutions for the Asset Administration Shell accelerates the development of digital twin technologies and drives its adoption in ecosystems. 


  1. Cyganiak, R., Wood, D., Lanthaler, M.. RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax.
  2. Knublauch, H., Kontokostas, D., Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL).
Why Here?

The Eclipse Foundation provides a professional environment (governance, licensing, intellectual property management) for the future development of “Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework". These advantages facilitate the usage of an open source, extensible ecosystem in which manufacturers and suppliers including the providers of applications, platforms, and infrastructure, can all participate equally.

Future Work

It is intended to maintain and improve the SAMM and the accompanying tooling based on user feedback, bug reports and desired alignment activities based on the parent project.

Project Scheduling

“Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework" and its involved parties intend to move to Eclipse as soon as possible. We hope to have the initial migration of the existing GitHub repo done until end of November 2022.

Sven Erik Jeroschewski (This committer does not have an Eclipse Account)
Johannes Kristan (This committer does not have an Eclipse Account)
Interested Parties

The BMW Group


Bosch Group

ZF Friedrichshafen AG

Industrial Digital Twin Association e.V.

Initial Contribution

There is a project repository originally hosted at openmanufacturingplatform ( implementing the Semantic Data Structuring Components (repositories starting with prefix sds-), which are considered as initial contribution to this project. Github repositories will be renamed. Names to be replaced: OpenManufacturingPlatform, SDS (for Semantic Data Structuring) and BAMM (new names: Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework,Semantic Aspect Meta Model (SAMM)).

Repositories to be transferred/moved and renamed

1) Semantic Aspect Meta Model: -->      

2) SDK Java: -->  

3) Aspect Model Editor: -->

4) Aspect Model Editor Backend :

5) i4.0 information model based on IEC 62264-1 standard / OMP Ontology: -->

6) Python SDK - Aspect Model Loader: -->

7) Python SDK - Pandas DataFrame: -->

8) JS SDK Aspect Model Loader: -->

9) JS SDK Schematics: -->

10) JS SDK Schematics Demo: -->

New repositories to be created

Source Repository Type