Election for Nikolai Imbirev as Committer on Eclipse Che4z

Role Type

Nikolay (user nickImbirev) has been working with the Che4z team for some time and recently opened two pull requests (E4e dump into master #103 (https://github.com/eclipse/che-che4z-explorer-for-endevor/pull/103) and Documentation and dependencies updates #101 (https://github.com/eclipse/che-che4z-explorer-for-endevor/pull/101)) that introduced a number of significant changes to Explorer for Endevor that greatly improve the overall user experience.

Among the following improvements in this PR:
- New method of working with Endevor locations (via profiles) in the tree
- The ability to add and update elements
- The ability to generate elements
- Improved testing throughout the component

Both PRs have been merged and a new release put out as a result of all this work. Nikolay has also helped onboard other people to the Explorer for Endevor project and has a strong grasp of the architecture and features that are in the runway. He has also responded to and opened a number of issues for consideration in the repo.

For these reasons and the long-term outlook for their involvement on the
team, it is my pleasure to nominate [USER] as a committer on Eclipse Che4z.

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Zachariah Mullen +1 +1 implied by nomination
Katelyn Nienaber +1
Tomas Cech +1 Nikolai is an experienced software engineer who has contributed a number of significant changes to the Explorer for Endevor project.
Jessielaine Punongbayan +1

PMC Approval

  • Martin Lippert (+1) Welcome!