Eclipse Cloud Development

The mission of ECD is to create technologies, platforms, and tools necessary to enable the delivery of highly integrated cloud development and cloud developer environments. Our vision is to meet the needs of both the Eclipse tool-building community and its users by providing a comprehensive set of technologies that operate on top of cloud standards, cloud infrastructures (AWS, etc.), and cloud platforms (CloudFoundry, OpenShift, Stratos).

The cloud has opened the world, creating standards to handle decoupling, communications, rendering, portability, security. These cloud building blocks provide the fundamental platform for which ECD solutions can be built and extended.

ECD provides infrastructure and frameworks that make use of open cloud standards to offer cloud development and cloud developer environment platforms for users and tool creators. These platforms are open, extensible systems to execute distributed development and developer services (such as build, run, debug, test, continuous integration, deploy) while also providing browser-based clients (and bridges into desktop tools and IDEs) to consume these distributed services.

ECD will establish commonality between its constituent projects by establishing common building blocks, protocols and APIs to facilitate interoperability.

This project will focus on:

  1. Protocols and Technologies for provisioning cloud development platforms, cloud developer environments, and the interaction of clients with distributed services
  2. Frameworks for building, loading, managing, running, and executing distributed tooling extensions with browser-client interfaces
  3. Extensions for programming languages, build systems, frameworks, ALM and code assistant tools
  4. Tools and Cloud IDEs that orchestrate developer activity and development workflow across distributed services
  5. Delivering industry-oriented, ready-to-run technologies

The success of ECD depends upon two criteria. First, are developer users able to use ECD technologies to create new applications with enhanced productivity. Second, are tool builders able to create new, best of breed, integrated development tools that operate on a distributed system accessible by a variety of clients over open standards. Success occurs when developer users combine cloud development tools together to suit their unique requirements in ways the tool authors never imagined.

Eclipse Public License 2.0

The content of this open source project is received and distributed under the license(s) listed above. Some source code and binaries may be distributed under different terms. Specific license information is provided in file headers and in NOTICE files distributed with the project's binaries.

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