Andrey is well known in the community delivering high quality patches to many projects and one of the most active developer for Eclipse TLP and Platform specifically. The list of fixes to the various Equinox components is big enough to justify him becoming a committer:
538191 NPE in SubMonitor.cleanupActiveChild
538168 Can't enable tracing for org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core
534759 [GTK3] Running Eclipse with -nosplash causes input problems
519547 Cleanup org.eclipse.equinox.registry
515588 [registry] Add meaningful toString() to ConfigurationElementHandle
515587 [registry] Add getHandleId() to IConfigurationElement
514530 CCE: UpdateSiteArtifactRepository cannot be cast to IFileArtifactRepository
514333 Preferences store access can lead to unattended workspace location initialization
511841 [registry] AdapterManager.getAdapter can return wrong type
508593 NPE in AutomaticUpdater.sameProfile
507115 NPE in ResolverImpl.unresolveBundle after importing plugins into workspace
507092 Eclipse fails to start: "An internal error occurred during: "Initializing workspace."
484014 NPE in Extension.getExtensionPointIdentifier breaks the entire Java IDE
470699 Move org.eclipse.equinox.preferences to JavaSE-1.7
468787 SafeFileOutputStream is sensitive for platform specific file.renameTo() implementation
468204 [console] equinox console needs but this requirement is not explicitly stated
432673 SWT GTK3 doesn't render tables with GTK3 Theme "oxygen-gtk"
Combined with his interest into patch reviews and being constantly monitoring our builds health and etc. he would be really valuable addition to the team.
Voter | Vote | Comments |
Alexander Kurtakov | +1 | +1 implied by nomination |
Mickael Istria | +1 | Of course! |
Thomas Watson | +1 | |
Pavlin Dobrev | +1 |
PMC Approval
- Alexander Kurtakov (+1) Welcome!