Election for Roland Grunberg as Committer on Eclipse JDT (Java development tools)

Role Type

I would like to nominate Roland Grunberg as a committer for eclipse.jdt project. Roland is already a committer on other Eclipse projects [1]. He has provided many good quality fixes and enhancements to JDT UI [2] and his contributions are appreciated. I'm sure that his contributions as a committer will be valuable to the JDT project.

[1] https://projects.eclipse.org/user/1584
[2] Bugs fixed by Roland for JDT:
Bug 537286 [JUnit] Cannot run junit tests that have a parameter
Bug 514054 [1.9] Introduce new context for code templates for module-info.java
Bug 525632 [JUnit][quick assist] Offer Quick Assists for the creation of a JUnit test
Bug 538236 Alphabetically sort of libraries also sorts source folder
Bug 540873 [10][move] Refactor/Move generates invalid code with 'var'
Bug 539289 [10] Quick fix "Surround with try/catch" generates invalid code with java 10 var
Bug 537247 Refactor NecessaryParenthesesChecker to jdt.core.manipulation
Bug 536058 [JUnit 5] TestRunListenerTest5 fails when JUnit plug-ins are imported in workspace
Bug 517297 NewContainerWizardPage.getInitialJavaElement() returns IJavaElement for non-Java project
Bug 539200 Move CodeGeneration and GetterSetterUtil to jdt.core.manipulation
Bug 534221 Move StubUtility and similar classes into jdt.core.manipulation
Bug 533332 Make getEnclosingNode from SurroundWithAnalyzer API and move to jdt.core.manipulation
Bug 439930 [9][test] LeakTestSuite failing with JDK9
Bug 532710 [Dark Theme] Remove hard-coded colors from AST view label provider to allow styling
Bug 516364 Replace use of HOVER_ color with INFORMATION_
Bug 531222 RefactorStatusDialog message pane has black background on light theme on Linux
Bug 532981 [Dark Theme] Improve color used for deprecation
Bug 533383 [Dark Theme] Really hard to see the matching bracket
Bug 506239 New API for organize imports
Bug 515755 Refactor popup dark in the light theme
Bug 508793 Debug value hover black/white color issue

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Noopur Gupta +1 +1 implied by nomination
Kalyan Prasad Tatavarthi +1
Sarika Sinha +1 Welcome Roland!!
Andrey Loskutov +1
Dani Megert +1
Vikas Chandra +1
Olivier Thomann +1 Welcome

PMC Approval

  • Alexander Kurtakov (+1) Well deserved!