Re-creation Review

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.

This single review combines a Termination Review with a Creation Review in order to reconstitute this specification project under the Implementation Patent License. All other aspects of the project, including the scope will remain unchanged. That is, we're going to simultaneously terminate and re-create the project in place. This way we can, for example, use the same project id and existing project records in the PMI, avoid engaging in the initial contribution process, etc.

To be clear, the review is atomic: upon success, the existing project will be terminated and the new project will be created in its place (specifically, the creation part cannot succeed unless the termination part also succeeds). We'll meet all of the requirements of the EDP and EFSP, but will skip the part where we engage the webmaster to archive any resources as part of a termination or provision any resources as part of a creation (thereby avoiding the need for us to retire and then re-provision every committer).

The EMO will engage with the project team to get all existing committers to make a public statement that specifically authorizes the EMO to transfer their existing committer status to the reconstituted project. We’ll start a thread on the tracking issue to capture this. The committer status of all committers who authorize the EMO to transfer their committer status will automatically be transferred to the reconstituted project. Any existing committers who do not provide authorisation before the conclusion of the review will be removed from the reconstituted project and their commit rights will be revoked. 

Note that, within three months of the conclusion of the review, any committers who are retired as part of this will be reinstated by the EMO upon their request (send a note to After three months, the standard processes must be followed to reinstate committers (i.e., committer election or appointment as a Participant Representative).