Election for Volodymyr Siedlecki as Committer on Jakarta Faces

Role Type

Volodymyr Siedlecki has been involved with the Jakarta Faces™ team for a year now and has made an impact in the following ways:

1) Volodymyr has produced the following pull requests: https://github.com/jakartaee/faces/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+author%3… (18 of them in total)

2) He has also opened a number of issues for discussion, driving two of them to completion already: https://github.com/jakartaee/faces/issues/created_by/volosied

3) Volodymyr has also participated on the mailing list: https://www.eclipse.org/lists/faces-dev/2022/Oct/index.html.

His work getting the Jakarta Faces™ TCK functional for a Faces implementation other than Mojarra (MyFaces) was a huge help to ensure the TCK was not implementation specific and his contributions will benefit the future releases of the project.

Volodymyr is also an active developer (Committer and PMC) in the Apache MyFaces community. He has worked on multiple issues in the Eclipse Mojarra project: https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/mojarra/issues?q=+is%3Aissue+author%3Av…+, his expertise will be of great benefit to the Jakarta Faces™ team.

It is my pleasure to nominate Volodymyr Siedlecki as a committer on Jakarta Faces™.

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Paul Nicolucci +1 +1 implied by nomination
David Matějček +1
Arjan Tijms +1 Looking forward to welcoming Volodymyr as committer :)
Thomas Andraschko +1
Bauke Scholtz +1

PMC Approval

  • Ivar Grimstad (+1) Welcome!