Jakarta EE 9.1 Plan Review

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.

This is a Plan Review for the Jakarta EE 9.1 Release Plan.

The goal of the Jakarta EE 9.1 release is to support the Java SE 11 runtime.  No functional updates are expected in the Platform or Component set of Specifications and APIs.  The Platform (and possibly Web Profile) Specification will be updated to reflect the support of Java SE 11.  The TCK will also be updated to support Java SE 11.  The APIs will be repackaged as Jakarta EE 9.1, but the content will be exactly the same as Jakarta EE 9.

The detail of the proposed Jakarta EE 9.1 Release Plan can be found in this PR.  A more readable version of the Plan can be found via this link (still part of the PR).