Election for Joakim Erdfelt as Committer on Jakarta Server Pages

Role Type

As a result of me highlighting some PRs staying in the review pending state for (in my view) an excessive amount of time, Joakim has volunteered to help with the JSP project - particularly on the admin side.
Joakim is a joint project lead on the Jakarta WebSocket (so he understands the Jakarta processes).
Joakim is a committer on the Eclipse Jetty project (so he has an understanding of JSP).

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Mark Thomas +1 +1 implied by nomination
Paul Nicolucci +1
Evan Jennings +1
Dmitry Kornilov +1
Tsubasa Yamamoto +1
Bill Shannon +1

PMC Approval

  • Ivar Grimstad (+1) Welcome!