Jim Krueger was supposed to be invited as an "initial committer" when the
EE4J JAX-RS project was first proposed. For whatever reason, this was not
processed correctly. I am now submitting a vote to get Jim properly
participating as a Committer. Jim has been involved with the WebSphere
implementation of JAX-RS for the past few years. He has indirectly contributed
to the JSR expert group during the development of JAX-RS 2.1. Jim will
be a valuable member of this team.
Voter | Vote | Comments |
Andy McCright | +1 | +1 implied by nomination |
Kevin Sutter | +1 | |
Bill Shannon | +1 | |
Dmitry Kornilov | +1 | |
Jan Supol | +1 | |
Ed Bratt | +1 | |
Markus Karg | -1 | The named person has not contributed in any way to the JAX-RS API in the past eight months. This name does not show up in any issue, PR or mailing list thread of this Github project. I will be happen to vote +1 after he contributed at a substantually higher level than the average contributor listet on the project's Github statistics. |
Dolor euismod laoreet nunc oppeto probo scisco ulciscor. Abluo hos mos sit utrum validus. Fere iriure melior. Accumsan aliquip uxor. Gravis hendrerit ludus nutus tum virtus. Capto luptatum mauris os ulciscor utrum. Accumsan eligo enim mauris neque quia quidem tincidunt. Amet iustum velit. Commodo cui nunc occuro praemitto quae usitas uxor. | +1 | Markus: We usually nominate people after some 3-5 approved and merged contributions. But in this case we can make an exception because he was missed in initial commiters group. |
yan gao | +1 | |
Wilson Tian | +1 | |
Michael Yang | +1 | |
Christian Kaltepoth | -1 | Sorry, but I agree with Markus. Adding a committer 9(!) months after the creation review because he was missing in the initial list isn't a valid argument. So we MUST apply the rules enforced by the Eclipse Foundation for new committers. Especially as the JAX-RS project is fully functional and already completed the first Release Review. The Eclipse Project Handbook [1] clearly states that "becoming a committer is a privilege that is earned by contributing and showing discipline and good judgment". And I cannot judge if this is the case as Jim didn't contribute to any public discussion or provided any code contribution I'm aware of. The Eclipse Handbook also states that "there are well-supported mechanisms for contributors without commit-rights and thus Committer status is not required for a team member to be effective" and I fully agree with this. If Jim starts becoming active in the project, I'm more than happy to accept the nomination at a later point. Please also see Wayne's email [2] on that topic. [1] https://www.eclipse.org/projects/handbook/#elections-committer [2] https://dev.eclipse.org/mhonarc/lists/ee4j-pmc/msg00930.html |
yu he | +1 |