Restructure Jakarta EE Specification Projects

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.

We will rename the "Eclipse Jakarta EE Platform" project to "Jakarta EE Platform" and convert it into a specification project with this project/specification scope statement:

The Jakarta EE Platform project provides the specification document, and related technical artifacts for the Jakarta EE Platform Full Profile, Jakarta EE Platform Web Profile, and Jakarta Managed Beans Specifications.

The Jakarta EE Platform Full Profile defines the aggregation and integration of the full collection of Jakarta EE specifications.

The Jakarta EE Platform Web Profile defines the aggregation and integration of the subset of Jakarta EE specifications related to the development of web applications.

The Jakarta Managed Beans specification defines a set of basic services for container-managed objects with minimal requirements, otherwise known under the acronym “POJOs” (Plain Old Java Objects).

We will rename "Eclipse Project for JTA" project to "Jakarta Transactions" and convert it into a specification project with this project/specification scope statement:

Jakarta Transactions defines a standard that allows the demarcation of transactions and the transactional coordination of XA-aware resource managers as described in the X/Open XA-specification and mapped to the Java SE XAResource interface within Java applications.

We will rename "Eclipse Project for JMS" project to "Jakarta Messaging" and convert it into a specification project with this project/specification scope statement:

Jakarta Messaging describes a means for Java applications to create, send, and receive messages via loosely coupled, reliable asynchronous communication services.

We will rename "Eclipse Project for JSON-B" project to "Jakarta JSON Binding" and convert it into a specification project with this project/specification scope statement:

Jakarta JSON Binding defines a binding framework for converting Java objects to and from JSON documents.

We will rename "Eclipse Project for Servlet" project to "Jakarta Servlet" and convert it into a specification project with this project/specification scope statement:

Jakarta Servlet defines server-side handling for HTTP requests and responses.

We will rename "Eclipse Project for JSP" project to "Jakarta Server Pages" and convert it into a specification project with this project/specification scope statement:

Jakarta Server Pages defines a template engine for web applications that supports mixing of textual content (including HTML and XML) with custom tags, expression language, and embedded Java code, that gets compiled into a Jakarta Servlet.

We will rename "Eclipse Project for Concurrency Utilities" project to "Jakarta Concurrency" and convert it into a specification project with this project/specification scope statement:

Jakarta Concurrency defines a framework for leveraging concurrency in application components without compromising container integrity while still preserving the Jakarta EE Platform's fundamental benefits.

We will rename "Eclipse Project for JSTL" project to "Jakarta Standard Tag Library" and convert it into a specification project with this project/specification scope statement:

Jakarta Standard Tag Library defines a framework and simple tags for Jakarta Server Pages that provide support for common, structural tasks such as iteration and conditionals, tags for manipulating XML documents, internationalization tags, and SQL tags.

We will rename "Eclipse Project for JAXB" project to "Jakarta XML Binding" and convert it into a specification project with this project/specification scope statement:

Jakarta XML Binding defines an API and tools that automate the mapping between XML documents and Java objects.

We will rename "Eclipse Project for EJB" project to "Jakarta Enterprise Beans" and convert it into a specification project with this project/specification scope statement:

Jakarta Enterprise Beans defines an architecture for the development and deployment of component-based business applications.