Restructure Jakarta EE Specification Projects

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.

As we convert existing projects into Specification Projects, as defined by the Eclipse Foundation Specification Process, we will split a new Specification Project off from the Eclipse Mojarra project. Following this split, the Eclipse Mojarra project will continue to exist as a compatible implementation of the Jakarta Server Faces specification, which will be defined by the new Jakarta Server Faces project with this scope:

Jakarta Server Faces defines an MVC framework for building user interfaces for web applications, including UI components, state management, event handing, input validation, page navigation, and support for internationalization and accessibility.

We will rename the "Eclipse Project for JavaMail" project to "Jakarta Mail" and convert it into a specification project with this project/specification scope statement:

Jakarta Mail defines a platform-independent and protocol-independent framework to build mail and messaging applications.

We will rename the "Eclipse Project for JCA" project to "Jakarta Connectors" and convert it into a specification project with this project/specification scope statement:

Jakarta Connectors defines a standard architecture for Jakarta application components to connect to Enterprise Information Systems.

We will rename the "Eclipse Project for Stable Jakarta EE APIs" project to "Jakarta Stable APIs" and convert it into a specification project with this project/specification scope statement:

Jakarta Stable APIs provides a home for stable (legacy) Jakarta EE specifications which are no longer actively developed.

Jakarta Management defines a standard management model for exposing and accessing the management information, operations, and parameters of the Jakarta EE Platform components.

Jakarta Deployment defines standard APIs that will enable any deployment tool that uses the deployment APIs to deploy any assembled application onto a Jakarta EE compatible platform.

Jakarta XML Registries describes Java API's designed specifically for an open and interoperable set of registry services that enable sharing of information between interested parties. The shared information is maintained as objects in a compliant registry. All access to registry content is exposed via the interfaces defined for the Registry Services.

Jakarta XML-based RPC defines consistent Java APIs for using XML based RPC standards.

We will rename the "Eclipse Project for Common Annotations" project to "Jakarta Annotations" and convert it into a specification project with this project/specification scope statement:

Jakarta Annotations defines a collection of annotations representing common semantic concepts that enable a declarative style of programming that applies across a variety of Java technologies.

We will rename the "Eclipse Project for Interceptors" project to "Jakarta Interceptors" and convert it into a specification project with this project/specification scope statement:

Jakarta Interceptors defines a means of interposing on business method invocations and specific events—such as lifecycle events and timeout events—that occur on instances of Jakarta EE components and other managed classes.

We will rename the "Eclipse Project for JAX-WS" project to "Jakarta XML Web Services" and convert it into a specification project with this project/specification scope statement:

Jakarta XML Web Services defines a means for implementing XML-Based Web Services, Web Services Metadata, and SOAP with Attachments.

We will rename the "Eclipse Project for JACC" project to "Jakarta Authorization" and convert it into a specification project with this project/specification scope statement:

Jakarta Authorization defines the installation and configuration of authorization providers for use by containers. The specification defines the interfaces that a provider must make available to allow container deployment tools to create and manage permission collections corresponding to roles.

We will rename the "Eclipse Project for Enterprise Security" project to "Jakarta Security" and convert it into a specification project with this project/specification scope statement:

Jakarta Security defines a standard for creating secure Jakarta EE applications in modern application paradigms.

We will rename the "Eclipse Project for Expression Language" project to "Jakarta Expression Language" and convert it into a specification project with this project/specification scope statement:

Jakarta Expression Language defines an expression language for Java applications.