LocationTech JTS Topology Suite™ 1.18.2

Version 1.18.2

Release Date: 08/27/2021

API Changes

  • Move IsSimpleOp to org.locationtech.jts.operation.valid package (#717)

Functionality Improvements

  • Add GeometryFixer class (#704)
  • Improve design and performance of IsSimpleOp (#717#754)
  • Improve design and perforance of IsValidOp (#743#748#755#756#757)
  • Fix SortedPackedIntervalRtree to be thread-safe (fixes PreparedPolygon too) (#746)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix InteriorPoint to handle partially-empty collections (#698)
  • Fix MultiPoint.isValid to check validity correctly (#700)
  • Fix WKTReader and WKTWriter handling of collections with all empty elements (#702)
  • Fix HalfEdge.prev() method (#703)
  • Fix BufferOp to remove invalid elements caused by inverted ring curves (#706)
  • Fix IsSimpleOp duplicate lines bug (#716)
  • Fix Angle.interiorAngle to produce interior angle correctly (#721)
  • Fix IsValidOp to correctly report invalidity for certain kinds of LinearRings (#737)
  • Fix GeometryPrecisionReducer to support the "keep collapsed components" semantics (#738)
  • Fix VoronoiDiagramBuilder to respect user-provided clip envelope (#740)
Release Date
Release Type
Service release (bug fixes only)