Election for Christian Dietrich as Project Lead on Eclipse Modeling Workflow Engine

Role Type

I'd like to nominate Christian as the co-lead for the MWE project. Over the past years, Christian has show his passion not only for the Xtext project but also for the ecosystem around it. His attention to detail is unmatched. Christian indicated that he is willing to step up and take care of MWE, e.g. make sure that it's on the train, gets necessary updates and bugfixes and that the infrastructure is updated.

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Sebastian Zarnekow +1 +1 implied by nomination
Sven Efftinge +1 +1
Holger Schill +1 Welcome! You will do a great job!
Jan Koehnlein +1 well deserved.

PMC Approval

  • Ed Merks (+1) Welcome!